
it's very moody here in algeria !!
sometimes it's cold , & somtiems so hot, special in this season 
so i gathered this clothes and i wish u'll like it !

YAY! to gambul

 they say you're an adult now , in high scholl girl is big enough ! cut it off 
i love watching gumbul and yes i do love  watching SPONGBOB

and i don't give a damn to nobody <3 

hey everyone !!

last day i was very sick , so i didn't go to school , so much fun , i've wake up untill 11 , while my classmates were studying and feeling hungery , i stood at home watching sukitte na yo , at first i didn't want to because i've stopped watching anime a year ago and change to manga otoku !
but i was feeling so bored so i download it and watch 9 ep , it's defentaly not as the manga , because when u imagine the voice , the action... it's not the same but still watching it !

kurosawa yamato daisuki <3 and this is a picture of him !



it's been more then a week since i saw this amazing clothes ..so i'd like to share it with you :p


well ^^ :

as first for me i want to put photos for adrobel shoes ^^ i wish u like it 
bcz i did lol !! :p


 hi ^o^ 
it's the first day for me ..so !! i wish form this day on ..that we'll have fun <3