
Best friends ditching you for some guy or some girl !

hi ^^

   the thing i hate most , Best friends or just friends ditching you for some guy or some girl , going without saying goodbye , i bet everyone has gone throught this situation .
Well,  it just happens all the time to me , and when i ditch them , suddenly , they come !," why did you igonre us , why ?" , why does they ignore me and ditch me all the time , and when i do it , they get mad , i realise something ( realise it a long time ago ! ) , Friends know you're importance exepet when you're gone , it fits with saying " you're gonna miss me when i'm gone " , i've had really enuagh with this ! , maybe they have a reason , they always have a reason , but i can't keep up with friends who doesn't care about me as i care about them or they only care about me when i'm gone .
     i'm still thinking about what to do ? , i have other friends , and i like them , but leaving the others when they have a reason for it , is just not fair and a cruel thing to do .
  a little advice for people who have this kind of problem : " Running after you're friends , wherever they go , fallowing them everywhere , i'm not saying that this is my case , but it happend to me befor , feeling like you're the thired wheel , just that feeling like you're someone unwanted is awful , and bieng abondent , is just not a really pleasent feeling T.T , i wish i won't try it ever again , what i want to say treasure you're self , not fallowing everyone around , be you're self , and someone for sure is gonna love you , and if they know how amazing you're then they'll regret it , and you'll notice it as soon as you realise what i just said :) " 
   Girls love guys , and they prefer them over friends ( over girls friends ) , i never ditch my friend for a guy because i didn't had the feeling to leave them and cling to some guy so he'll like me or anything , just wierd , but everyone i know do it , not all of them but the most , sometimes i feel like " what the heck ? " , they're just thinking about them , selfish people :( , i'm not gonna say that i won't ever ditch them for some guy cause i never did had that strong feeling to go talk to a guy , and cling to him , so i don't know if i ever will do that .
in the end all i have to say to people who have problems like me don't worry , you'll find someone like you Lol , maybe :)
salam " peace " 


i love him

i love someone , he's cute kind of , not my type ( when i tell someone he's not my type , they say like WHHHHATTT ? , well don't be shoked , he ain't , i'm into tall guy's " he's tall " and guys with the 5 o'clock shadow beard " he doesn't have it " , and into guy's who are into me more then i'm into them , like they do the stalking not ME ,  into guy's who're good at some stuff , not gonna say what that stuff is , it's  personal :p ) Let me finish he's born on 12/01/1996 , he's bigger then me , not much , he love the colour black , and he's a big fan of the metallica band , a rock band ! , he loves fish and fry potatos , and he used to have an ex girlfriend , i don't know what he saw in her , to ask her out , sure she's pretty , not really !!! , kind of , anyone has his own taste , well she's a bit childish , and he seem to be mature , since his the bigger one in the familly , he like to study to reach his goal , " i wish he'll be able to do that , even if we don't end up toghther " , so that ex of his is oviousely still in love with him , she said it herself , there's no one who's like him , well there'sn't , sepcaily in the school , i feel like he's still in love with her too , they don't talk anymore , but it feels like they'll get back toghther , and i prefer him bieng with some girl who's right for him rather then some kid trying to win him back , annoying ! , well whatever , let's stop talking about her  .let's finish what i know about him , i feel like i know everything , what he feels , i stalke him everywhere , i even got to see his room and talked with him in the phone , but that's not enughe , he oviousely not gonna get a girlfriend this year since it's the year of unvirsty exam , so i bet that he's waiting to finish the exam and have a good pass mark , so he can do whatever he want to do , and then ask her out again , or when he got to collage ,he'll chose some incconte cute girl with the most adorbale face and get out with her , and tell her wait for me for like 7 years so i can finish my study , and get married , or he'll get bored with her , and move one girl by girl , living his life , no sense , and when he find a job he'll find some girl who he loves, and wish to be with her forever , just annoying !but just to be positive , he might end up in love with me without me trying that hard , he'll feel that i'm a nice girl , always standing up with his sisters , and he'll see something in me , i wish thought , and he'll think this girl is sepcail , "i feel like lying to my self" , well whatever or me on the other hand i might get to the universty and meet the guy of my dream , he'll be like taller then me , has a nice body , sexy hihi :p , someone who'll be a good match to me , and he'll be smarte , older then me , and so gentle , and can be good at some stuff , and he'll be all over me , so in love with me , he'll be in love with me first , not me , because stalking didn't do me no good , it's just made me more shy and not confident that he'll like me , i see myself as beautiful a fine lady , and the most amazing girl , and all WOwo, but just getting near the guy i like , he like take all my glowing and confidance away , and i become the same girl i don't wanna be , all of the sudden i feel ugly and unwanted , unloved , hated , aweful emotions come at me at once , and they ask me why not go and get the guy , u're pretty , so why not ? , they havn't exprience rejection befor , rejection without even confessing , annoying , niether did they feel this feeling which is so not good , i'll tell u something people are cruel , and they think only about themselves , and for that i ain't gonna make the first move .waiting for the right guy to come , i said i love him not adore him or that i can't give up on him , and like i can't live without him or like i will never find anyone better , everything is in the hand of allah so be positive , and the right guy will come :) peace " salam "