
Untill when !

Hello guys 
it's been such a long time , i know right !! but who am i talking to exacly , no one seem to read my blog anyway ? 
Today i'm gonna talk about not belonging to anyplace and to anyone , they're all a  bunch of idiots , where am i gonna ever find someone to love me everyday , appraicte that i'm near him , and understand what i'm trying to say , those idiots i had enuagh of them ..... 
untill when am i gonna end up like this , not understood , and always judged by the least i do as something wrong , they raise u and then descripe u in the worst words possible , untill when !!! , i hate it so much , i would never do any of this to any of my childern , if i've never had some haha ..
Jumbing to other question , If someone if poor willing to marry u , though ur rich " meduim " , why won't familly accepte him ? " they think they have the last word " ... 
if anyone is reading this , please let me know the answer ... 
thanks <3