
كم اشعر بالخجل .. !!!

What i should do about this ? i'm feeling really loose , i can't seem to work it out at all , i'm feeling really really lose , what should i do , this is really making my heart dieing inside , i can't seem to make this trobling feeling go away , it's just killing me ? ! , i'm feeling under Down , i'm feeling like " am i really this stupide and why ? " i feel like i'm broken more then ever , she had the best notes , and here i'm playing around , not even studying serieusly !!! , why am i like this ? why don't i have a dream ? why can't get better , why am i this stupide ... 
i bet there's a lot of reason's why : 
i hung out with stupide people 
i don't study at home niether do i try to understand at class 
i feel shy , and i can't seem to talk much at class during the lesson 
i help people , but they get better note then me , that's really just sad !! 
i promised my mother that i'll get a good note so i have to get a better note in the seconed tremester , that's really my goal for the new year 2014 here i come ... !!! 
تظاهر بأنك (بخير دائماً ) ..مهما عصفت بك الحياة، (فالكتمان) أجمل بكثير من "شفقة " الآخرين عليك .

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